
in the studio.

new term starting on 3rd jan 2023 at room frome.

tuesdays and thursday 6pm: find your flow, a 60 minute flowing, vinyasa inspired class with the emphasis on joyful movement and breath work. moving away from rigid alignment rules, classes are layered with option and choice so each student can find freedom in their bodies. yoga experience helpful but not essential.

at the weekend…..

monthly offering from autumn 2023 at room frome.

strengthen: the first saturday of every month 10-11.30am

a 90min vinyasa flow class. this dynamic class will be breath lead, focusing on stability and integrity of movement to build strength, flexibility and resilience in the body.

Expect to breathe deep and build some heat, with this flowing movement based practice. Vinyasa experience is helpful but not essential.

surrender and rest:

the first sunday of every month 5-6.30pm

this 90min class will focus on the down regulation of the nervous system through a combination of gentle yoga focused movement and integrated breathe work. we will then soften into a deeply restorative practice using support to allow the body to opened gently and let go fully.

this class is suitable for anyone that can sit comfortably on the floor. moving us away from restlessness and rumination, dropping into the rest and restore side of the nervous system and find physical and emotional resilience.


you can also find me on a monthly basis teaching at amchara detox health retreat in south somerset. it is my absolute joy to support students in their time at amchara, offering them restorative yoga, gentle movement and breath practices and a much needed rest on their journey back to health. for more information on we they offer please click the button below.


while the world is (still) upside down…..

Please be aware that the schedule above has been updated as of Jan 2023 but is subject to change during these uncertain and changing times. If you would like to join any of my classes please contact me directly to discuss the schedule and to book.

I love the way these classes make my body feel and they definitely have an effect on my chatterbox mind.

Emma Lovell, Poole Dorset.